Keep the chemicals at a constant temperature. 把这些化学用品保持在恒温中。
The hardware and software design of the detector is analyzed. A detailed theoretical derivation on the detector's constant temperature measurement circuit is also concluded. 分析了检测仪的硬件系统组成和软件设计的流程,并对恒温检测电路的工作原理进行了详细的理论推导和分析。
Fully automatic PID temperature control and automatic constant temperature. 全自动PID温度控制系统,自动控温恒温。
The electronic moisture analyzer and the constant temperature and humidity equipments were used to study the influences of humidity to alfalfa drying velocity. 采用红外水分分析仪和恒温恒湿箱研究了湿度对紫花苜蓿干燥速率的影响。
Application of PLC in Constant Temperature Control of Cold Storage System PLC在小型冷库恒温控制系统中的应用
The research and design of double-condenser constant temperature and constant humidity air-conditioning 恒温恒湿空调双冷凝器节能系统的研究与设计
The sample flask is immersed in a constant temperature bath. 将试瓶浸入恒温水浴中。
Performance research on an inverter constant temperature and humidity air conditioner with high precision is provided by experiment. 通过实验研究了高精度变频恒温恒湿空调机的运行特性,并制造了实验样机。
Automatic constant temperature heating device can be equipped on the embossing unit. 压花装置可加装自动恒温加热装置。
At constant temperature. It's just the volume. 在恒定温度下它就等于体积。
The optimum heating up curve, constant temperature, and cooling down system should be worked out as per different raw materials, production process and season. 要根据原料、生产工艺和季节的不同制订相应的最佳升温、恒温及降温制度。
Because so much of what we do in chemistry does take place with constant temperature and pressure. 因为化学中我们所做的很多东西,都是在恒定的温度和压强下进行的。
At constant temperature, that meant that pA star is bigger than pB star. 温度恒定时,这意味着pA星比pB星大。
Heat absorbed or radiated during a change of phase at a constant temperature and pressure. 在恒定的温度和压强下某物质改变状态时所吸收或放出的热量。
On the basis, we also developed can carry out steeples speed change and constant temperature control. 在些基础上,我们开发了SZG-A,它既可无级调速,又能进行恒温控制。
A design method of the constant temperature faucet based on single chip computer is introduced. 介绍了基于单片机的恒温水龙头的设计方法。
There's our condition for equilibrium at constant temperature and pressure. 这就是我们在,恒定温度和压强下的平衡条件。
If I'm working under conditions of constant temperature and volume, that's very useful. 如果在恒定的温度和体积下,进行一个过程,这是非常方便的。
Buckwheat pillows are thermodynamic, so they remain a constant temperature throughout the night. 荞麦枕头是热力,所以他们仍然彻夜恒温。
And I haven't written it in, but all of these are at constant temperature, right? 虽然我没有写出来,但是这些都是在恒定温度下的,对吗?
Of a process or change taking place at constant temperature. 指在不变的温度下发生的过程或者变化。
A process taking place at constant temperature is said to be isothermal. 温度恒定时发生的过程叫做等温过程。
Analyses the calculating method of reheating capacity in air handling process in summer for high accuracy constant temperature air conditioning system and air cleaning systems. 针对高温度精度空调系统和净化空调系统,分析了夏季空调处理过程中再热量的计算方法。
A study is made of the effect of different acidizing conditions such as concentration, temperature and time on humidity-controlling properties of sepiolites in closed space at constant temperature. 研究了酸化浓度、温度与时间等条件对海泡石在恒温密闭空间内调湿性能的影响。
To ask questions like how much heat is released in a chemical reaction that takes place at constant temperature. 当我们想要知道,当一个化学反应在恒定的温度下发生时,会放出多少热量时。
Effect of exfoliation on structure and tensile strength of LC4CS aluminum alloy at constant temperature. 恒温剥蚀对LC4CS铝合金结构和力学性能的影响。
The constant temperature water supply system in the gas water heater testing units was discussed and analyzed. 对燃气热水器测试系统的恒温供水系统进行了研究分析。
Maintained a constant temperature; a constant beat; principles of unvarying validity; a steady breeze. 保持不变的温度;连续不断的打击;恒久合法性原则;稳定的微风。